Walsh Meets with Crow Chairman Darrin Old Coyote

Press Release

Date: July 29, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Senator, Chairman discuss ways to improve life in Indian Country

Senator John Walsh welcomed Crow Chairman Darrin Old Coyote to his Washington office to talk about the Cobell Land Buy-Back Program and the Indian Coal Production Tax Credit.

"Increasing economic opportunity for Montana's tribal nations is a top priority of mine," Walsh said. "I deeply value my partnership with Chairman Old Coyote and look forward to continuing our work to preserve and expand economic development for the Crow Nation."

Since taking office in February, Walsh has championed issues important to Montana's Native Americans. He recently delivered a speech on the Senate floor pressing his colleagues to put aside the political gamesmanship to renew the Indian Coal Production Tax Credit. The tax credit would allow the Crow Nation to continue to safely develop their natural resources and create jobs for their members. Walsh and Chairman Old Coyote met in February to discuss ways Walsh can help Montana's small businesses. Walsh recently visited the Crow Nation to participate in Crow Native Days.
